Well everybody...things are moving in Nicaragua. Today we placed the steaks on our property. Adam and I met Will this afternoon, and the first thing he did was ask one of his workers to go get more nicas, and have them bring machetes. We then watched these guys cut down all of the overgrowth on our property in less than an hour. These guys are masters with machetes. The only problem that we ran into was one of the nicas cut into a wasp nest. We were all sitting there watching the action, and then everyone was running towards us. It was a 10 minute break for the boys.
On a positive note...everyone that has been on our lot know that there is a ridge line that goes right down the middle. The really good news is that the topographer determined that our property line on the north side...is significantly down slope. We have that entire ridge, and even more. It's great.
The view is spectacular. Amazing.
Tomorrow we are going back to the lot to place the steaks that will determine where the house sits. A majority of it will be on fairly level ground so we probably won't have to move a lot of dirt. One thing that Adam and I thought might be awesome is to extend the size of the captain's perch. All along we have focused on the view towards Marsella, but the view to Madera's and the ocean beyond, is just as good...if not better. It would be less roof, and Will is going to crunch numbers and see if it's feasible. If so we will have that entire side... with most of a 180 degree view of the ocean...wow!!
We'll have to see how it goes, but that is why were here. To make sure that we are building the coolest house possible.
The reason that we are even considering this is because Will took us on a drive of the area yesterday. We took his car, and drove the the highest point that overlooks the coast. They call is the "5 bay view", because you can see all five bays that surround San Juan del Sur. You can see forever from up there. We could see from Costa Rica, and then north, and then more north. It just confirmed that we have a rockin' lot. The ridge we are on is perfect.
We went up there to check out some of the houses that he is building, we done good.
Just to let everyone know... June is beautiful in this place. Green.. So green.
On green fire, if that makes any sense.
Adam & I are at Mango Rosa right now...again...
Happy Hour.
We just had the surf and turf...$14. Lobster and Filet...so good.
I'm borrowing Greg's (Mango Rosa owner) computer to type this. Cool guy.
Just had a conversation with Chad (our realtor) and he said that he had the best surf day ever. The swell has been prime. Please check our NSR, and look at the size of the waves.
Davis and I rented some surfboards today. Maderas was too big, so we went to Marsella, and it was nice. I got my ass kicked. Literaly. But it's all good.
Not sure what else to say...but please send emails with questions... We did buy a cell phone. One of those phones that you just put more minutes on. It was $40. Also, Will has been letting us use is FJ. $15 a day. No headlights.. Last night we drove home from the Mango with only the moonlight. Good Stuff.
Can't thing of anything else to say, and it's time to get back in to the conversation here at the bar..so I hope all is well in the states, and I wish you were all here.
Great work on the Blogging Keeley! You're getting me super stoked for sure and I can't wait till the next post. Great job with everything guys