Wednesday, May 12, 2010

All good things....

...must come to an end. As must this trip.

Today is my last full day here in San Juan del Sur. Tomorrow I'm off to Managua for a little shopping, and then on Friday I'm headed home.

Yesterday, Will and I went out to the property for the last time to really finalize everything, and we have done so. We changed up the inn-keepers quarters for one last time, designed a wall that will go between the house and garage, finished the design for the captain's perch, finished the design of the built in couches in the kitchen, and I took a bunch of videos that I will publish when I get back to the states.

Today, I am going to spend the morning at Negro Gato coffee shop and spend some time creating a working document that we will use for the remainder of the project. A check list of sorts so that we know what still needs to be done.

I am also going to finalize our future project manager, and complete the cacti perimeter transaction. Then I'm done.

I am looking forward to going Pelican Eyes (pictures on Mar Sano 6) for one last sunset tonight. I went there last night and it was one of the prettiest sunsets I've seen since I've been here. I had a great night last night after sunset. I went to one of the restaurants in town called El Pozo. This place has easily become my favorite place to go for some food and a drink. A couple from California...Christian & Clair...are the owners, and the chef and bartender respectively. The food is absolutely amazing, but it was really great because it seemed like almost every gringo in town was there last night. I met so many people, and it's just awesome what a tight knit community it is here. I'm going to miss this place.

I posted a few more photos of Negro Gato, Pelican Eyes, and the house. I also took some pics from another house that Will built, to show some examples of flagstone, which we are considering for our counters and pool area.

I will try to take some more pics in town today. Time to go get some fine Nicaraguan coffee.


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